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- ___ _______
- \ \ || /
- \\ \ |¦NFA / vark@globalnet.co.uk THE INTERNET INSTALLER
- \\ \ |: / _______ ____ __ Version 1.2 (BETA)
- \\ \_|. //\ || __ ) || | / )
- \ | /// \ |: || / |: |/ _/ 1st January 1996
- \ | /// \ |. ~~ \ |: \
- \ // /\ \|. |\ \ |. |\ \ Beta Tested by Biker
- \// / \ | | \ )| | \ ) mike@bevans.demon.co.uk
- ¬¯¯ ¬¯¯¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯ ¯¯
- Please read this doc carefully. I have tried to make it as easy as
- possible, but considering the poor state of Amiga Internet ready packages
- (ie none available), it is quite a tall task. This software is intended to
- be a replacement for the stuff supplied by your Internet Provider, as I
- have been reliably informed that companies such as Demon just supply you
- with the network software and email capability.
- After receiving a three month Internet connection present from my friend
- Biker, I was dismayed at the lack of easily accessible Internet software
- for the Amiga. Over the past month, I have slowly familiarised myself with
- the likes of AmiTCP, Amosaic etc. Yet there is still no complete solution
- for users new to the 'net'.
- Therefore, this little package will allow you to install a suite of
- programs to give you to easy access the Internet, with little trouble.
- (ha-ha) Once installed you will be able to browse the World Wide
- Web, send and receive Email, Read/Post News, and log onto FTP sites from
- around the world and download glorious Amiga software.
- Please note that this is the beta version, and is a bit rough round the
- edges. Everyones Workbench is set up slightly different, but I have tried to
- use everday files that you should have on your hard drive.
- In order to fully install this you will require approximately 4.4mb of
- free hard disk space.
- This package contains the following Distribution variation archives :-
- UUxT3.1 - Asher Feldman
- mNEWS V0.1 - Johnb@scinter.aftec.gov
- MFTPV1.31 - Michael Neuweiler
- AMS V42.1 - David N Junod
- MUI3.1usr - Stefan Stuntz
- AirMail2 - Danny Y Wong
- PPP1_30 - Holger Kruse
- Amosaic V2 beta - Amosaic Development Team
- MosaicMail - Fabio Caruso
- AmiTCP4.0 Demo - NSDi
- These are the main ones, there are a few programs also included such as
- Nico Francais PPguide and PPMore.
- I am having trouble getting Mosaic Mail to work. It will GET your mail and
- display it for you, but when you want to send an email to an address on the
- screen, it fails. You will have to set up this portion yourself. See the
- MosaicMail.Doc in AmiTCP-4.0 drawer for more info.
- This installation was made on an Amiga A1200 with 6MB RAM, 50MHZ 68030, but
- I do not see any problems on a bog standard A1200, except you may have to
- incorporate memory saving techniques. Sorry, but I no longer consider the
- A500 & A600 as 'The Standard Amiga'.
- NB
- ==
- You will need the IP address of your Internet provider. This is required
- for AmiTCP installation. If you have a PC and are using Winsock, then the
- IP address (or nameserver address) will be in the SETUP menu (where the
- baud rate etc is) of Trumpet, the dial up program. Example, it looks like
- this If you are unsure, contact your Internet provider and
- ask them. To explain it simply, each Internet Provider, whether it be
- Globalnet, Demon etc, have their own unique address, numerically, on the
- Internet, similiar to your postal address, so that the net knows where to
- send your mail etc.
- If your connection is not dynamic, then you will have to find out your own
- unique IP address as well as your Internet Provider's. To decide whether
- you have a dynamic address or not, seems to depend whether you have an
- extra node in your email address.
- a. sid@blobnet.co.uk - chances are if your email looks like this it is
- dynamic ie Globalnet etc, and you do not need to
- find out your own IP address as you are
- automatically allocated one when you dial up.
- b. bert@smithies.demon.co.uk - chances are that if your email looks like
- this then it is not dynamic, and you will
- have to find out your IP address, ask your
- Internet Provider, or it should be somewhere
- within the software included by your
- provider. ie Demon etc.
- Here we go, eyes down, look in.
- I have included a DELME file that you need to boot from NET1 disk
- first before using to remove all signs of this installation. If you
- want to get rid of it from your hard drive !?!
- ------------
- A. MUI - This installation will put an unregistered Version 3.1 of the
- Magic User Interface on your computer. If you already have this
- version or an older one, then you can do either of the following:
- a. Use MUI 3.1 to be installed. You will need to remove any assigns
- made to your MUI in the S:User-Startup before commencing
- this installation. Then rebooting your Amiga, delete the MUI
- drawer from wherever it is located, and delete MUI drawer from
- sys:prefs/env-archive/.
- b. Use your current MUI. Do the installation, remove the 3.1
- assigns from your s:user-startup I put in, reboot and delete the
- MUI drawer from SYS:AmiTCP-4.0/. You may have to set up your
- prefs again within your version of MUI.
- (If you already have AmiTCP installed on your Amiga, I do not think
- there is any need to use this installation !? Go and play Worms !)
- B. After booting the computer from your hard drive, insert NET1 disk and
- click on the Install icon to copy all the files onto your hard drive.
- C. Once this is fully complete, go into the Amitcp-4.0/AMS drawer and
- install the datatype files.
- D. Reboot your Amiga.
- E. Now click on the Install_AmiTCP icon in the AmiTCP-4.0 drawer.
- -------------------
- This is a walk through of the AmiTCP installation. So, it may be best to
- print this .readme file out before attempting the AmiTCP install.
- 1. Click on AmiTCP-Install icon.
- 2. Proceed
- 3. Proceed
- 4. Proceed
- 5. Proceed (This should show the full path where AmiTCP-4.0 is installed)
- 6. Click on button of Reconfigure AmiTCP & Proceed
- 7. Enter vark as the default user name. (lower case !)
- 8. Internet Access Dynamic (Y/N)
- If you answered YES for Dynamic go to step 20 (as explained at NB.)
- 9. Computer name (bit after @ eg dodgy@house.demon.co.uk, therefore house)
- 10. Domain name ie demon.co.uk
- 11. aliases (I think this should be your user id eg dodgy)
- 12. Proceed
- 13. Select PPP & Proceed
- 14. Select PPP & Proceed
- 15. Your own unique IP address
- 16. Enter again and proceed
- 17. Proceed
- 18. Is this correct, select YES if it is
- 19. Then go to step 26.
- 20. Enter Domain name. (everthing after the @ in your email address)
- 21. Select PPP & Proceed
- 22. Select PPP & Proceed
- 23. Enter & Proceed
- 24. Enter & Proceed
- 25. Proceed then click on YES
- 26. Amiga 'A' key & X to clear box then Proceed
- 27. Enter IP address of your host/nameserver as mentioned above in NB.
- 28. Proceed
- 29. Proceed
- 30. Proceed
- 31. No.
- 32. Proceed
- 33. No.
- 34. You should be now back at the list of buttons, click on Proceed.
- The AmiTCP installation is now complete, you now have to configure the PPP
- program. PPP dials your Internet Provider, AmiTCP takes over once your are
- connected, to do the communicating between programs etc.
- F. PPP Installation.
- The configuration file for PPP is stored in sys:prefs/env-archive/Sana2 and
- once this installation is on your hard drive will look like this :-
- From the CLI (SHELL);
- name: ppp0.config use C:ED sys:prefs/env-archive/Sana2/ppp0.config
- to make changes. Then esc + x + enter to save & quit
- if you altered something, or esc + q + enter if
- you left the file as is.
- sys:devs/serial.device 0 57600 7WIRE
- DIALSCRIPT=sys:AmiTCP-4.0/PPP/dialscript
- (all on one line, I have split it for this .readme, so it fits on the screen)
- - sys:devs/serial.device is the standard Amiga serial device, and
- the 0 after is the unit number, no need to change.
- - 57600 is the baud rate, my USR Robotics 28,800 works okay with this.
- If you have a 14,400 modem I would suggest changing this to 38400.
- - leave if your IP is dynamic, or put your own IP address here
- if your access is not dynamic.
- - Leave 7wire and the path as is. (Read PPP.guide in amitcp-4.0/PPP if
- you want to know more about this config file.)
- Now Change the "C:ED sys:AmiTCP-4.0/bin/startnet" script:
- Delete the first few lines that start with
- ".key",".bra",".ket",".def".
- Add the lines
- sys:system/rexxmast
- online devs:networks/ppp.device 0
- at the beginning of the file.
- Change the line starting with "AmiTCP:bin/ifconfig ppp0 ..." to
- AmiTCP:bin/ifconfig ppp0 $ppp0iplocal $ppp0ipremote
- Change the line starting with "AmiTCP:bin/route add ..." to
- AmiTCP:bin/route add $ppp0iplocal localhost
- After that line, add the line
- AmiTCP:bin/route add default $ppp0ipremote
- Check that in the "sys:AmiTCP-4.0/db/interfaces" file:
- The line
- ppp0 DEV=DEVS:networks/ppp.device UNIT=0 IPTYPE=33 NOARP P2P
- is the last line in the script.
- Check that in the "sys:AmiTCP-4.0/bin/Stopnet" file:
- The line
- offline ppp0.device 0
- is somewhere within the script.
- Type in the following lines :-
- protect sys:amitcp-4.0/bin/Startnet srwed
- protect sys:amitcp-4.0/bin/Stopnet srwed
- edit the following file
- C:ED sys:amitcp-4.0/ppp/Dialscript
- and follow the instructions found within this file to setup your
- telephone number etc.
- G. After rebooting your machine again you should be ready to log onto
- the Internet. Connect your modem to the Amiga's serial port, switch it
- on, and make sure you are connected to the phone line.
- Click on the AmiTCP-4.0 drawer, click on BIN drawer, click on STARTNET
- icon. If you set the DIALSCRIPT correct, PPP will dial and logon
- automatically to your Internet Provider, the tone will stop, your
- baud rate will be displayed, a few lines will flash by in the
- Dialling... window then the DIAL window will disapear.
- AmiTCP will start. Enter user id vark and password Isanoid
- wait for the OK to become clear and click it. When you see the
- [CLI ?] as the last line in the ICONX window, click the top left gadget
- of it's window to close it. You are now logged into the Internet.
- H. MFTP. Your email address needs adding into SETUP in MFTP before you
- log onto any FTP sites. ie biker@bother.demon.co.uk. Always tick
- the annonymous box when logging onto new FTP's sites that you have
- put in yourself.
- I. You will have to set up the Airmail program yourself in order to
- send and receive email.
- I like this email program, I think it is easy and cool, and well worth the
- $20 registration fee, so get it done !
- What you need to set up here, once you have entered Airmail for the first
- time, is the config setup on the settings menu.
- Ignore the 'can not find user prefs file' and click ok passed this, this
- error only occurs because you have not yet entered your details.
- My address (vark@globalnet.co.uk) just involves putting
- mail.globalnet.co.uk in this box, however, each Internet provider is
- different, Demon's for instance would be (vark@anoid.demon.co.uk)
- to put post.anoid.demon.co.uk. Check with your internet provider if not
- sure or see your Internet Provider software.
- This for me would be globalnet.co.uk, for Demon users it would be
- demon.co.uk.
- This for me would be simply vark. eg sid@cottage.demon.co.uk would be sid
- The other config you may need to alter is the location of your text editor
- for writing the email on the other config menu item.
- J. I have enclosed mNEWS as a late addition, but this is another aspect
- you will have to set up. I only intended to get you going on WWW, FTP
- and Email, as they are the main three uses, I think. The NNTP host it
- asks for is the same as your mail address but with news added instead.
- ie If your Email is john@bridge.co.uk then your NNTP is
- news.bridge.co.uk.
- Check with your Internet provider for clarification of your NNTP.
- Ignore the .subscript error on first going into the program, it's
- because your details are not set.
- K. Recommendations. To properly view the WWW you need to have your
- screen mode to Hi Res LACED and 256 cols. However, the less
- colours you have, the faster it is, and it may be better on lesser
- Amiga's, but the pictures are not as nice. I would also recommend you
- removing any WBPatterns you may have displayed. Also if you have
- LSD's ASSOCIATE program running in the background, quit it.
- Virus Checker seems to be okay running in the background.
- L. Once this installation is complete, it will give you a fully working
- AmiTCP net server for which you can then download and add your own
- additions.
- --------
- If you ever get any problems, all the docs are available for each part of
- the installation, so try reading the installation guide in the respective
- program you are having problems with.
- You can always mail me at vark@globalnet.co.uk with any problems, I may be
- able to sort it out for you.
- If for some reason after dialling you do not get through, it will go into
- AmiTCP regardless. Just follow the motions and click on Stopnet. It could
- have been because all the lines were busy. Turn your modem on/off as well.
- This installation is fully working on my Amiga, so I know it does work.
- What I have virtually provided is a 'mirror' of the setup on my hard drive,
- with the above instructions required to tailor it your your Internet
- provider.
- You must not forget that Amiga software for the Internet is quite terrible
- when compared to the PC stuff. Remember AMOSIAC 2 is a BETA RELEASE etc.
- All the programs included are either PD or shareware, and I urge you to
- register them, as you will benefit from doing this. For instance if you are
- unsure how to register software, then read on. PPP registration is fifteen
- US dollars. Go to your main head post office in your town, there should be
- a buraue de change, simply go to this counter and say you want to buy $15
- US dollars (about £8). Print out and fill in the PPP registration form,
- include a personal letter to the author if you wish, and send it airmail to
- the authors address, in the PPP.guide. You should really send cash/notes as
- Internationally registered post, but I have never had any trouble, as long
- as you make sure it is secure in the envelope. You will receive in return
- from the author the latest version, which should include improvements to
- greater enhance the efficiency to the Internet. Think about registering
- your software, you know it makes sense.
- My spelling mistakes. How on earth do you spell bureua ?
- -------
- V1.0a The original
- V1.1a Problems with C:ED your own script files in installation, asking
- for NET1: to be write unprotected ? Could be due to no T: in RAM:
- Removed three AMosaic Email scripts from Install due to this
- as it does not work properly anyway.
- Alter this .readme as I put ALT & X to clear a box when it is
- (A)miga key and X ! Also Install was deleting a non existant
- s:user-startup. Not too good at docs am I. Probably because this
- is becoming a bit larger ! Will anyone ever get it to work
- the way I wanted it too ? Mail me if you do !
- DELME left two files still on your hard drive, corrected this.
- V1.2 Made an almighty mistake. Once you set up AmiTCP it rewrote
- Startnet and hence removed PPP, the dialler software so that
- you could not dial up your provider. Hence, the only way
- round this at the moment is for the user to setup PPP manually
- after the AmiTCP setup. Corrected Install and rewrote this .readme.
- This Internet installation is distributed as freeware, I will accept no
- responsibility for any person using this package, as they do so of their
- own free will and at their own risk.
- The copyright for all the programs within reside with the rightful authors.
- Any characters portrayed here are purely fictitous, and any relation to
- real life persons is purely coincidental.
- ______________________________________
- / \
- / A. M. I. G. A. \
- /__________________________________________\
- \ \/ \ \/ /
- /\ \_____ \ \ /\
- / \ \ \_____ \ \ / /_
- / \ \ \_____ \_____\/ / \__
- / /\ \ -)vark(- \_____ / / \__
- /_____/__\_____\___________________\/_______/__________\
- \ /
- \ The Amiga International /
- \ User Groups Association /
- \________________________________________________/
- If you want to know more about an association that cares about the Amiga,
- it's users, and everyone connected with this beloved machine, then please
- contact
- A.M.I.G.A. 190 Falloden Way, Hampstead Garden Suburb, LONDON, NW11 6JE.
- Membership is free to all, whether you be user, software/hardware company,
- PD library et al.